They are displayed to stop the session mainly due to two reasons: Red flags in F1 are a way to avoid unnecessary risks for drivers, marshals, and spectators. If you’re looking for some F1 merchandise, check out the awesome stuff at the official F1 store here. Red flags are not very common, and when they do occur, TV commentators always try to give an approximation of how long they will last so that viewers will know, as it is a bit confusing, so let’s clear everything up here. However, no race can last more than two hours in a three-hour window, which means that a red flag must be less than three hours long to allow time for the race itself. Red flags last until track conditions are optimal for racing again.
Red flags are displayed in Formula 1 to stop the session when a major accident has occurred, or the track conditions are very dangerous and difficult to drive, but how long do they last?